Ep.92 — Rick Doblin and Amy Emerson — Demystifying Psychedelics

Rick Doblin in the Founder and Executive Director of the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS). MAPS is a leading organization in the USA supporting psychedelic and marijuana research since 1986. You can follow Rick on his Twitter at https://twitter.com/RickDoblin

Amy Emerson is the CEO of the MAPS Public Benefit Corporation (MAPS PBC), a wholly-owned subsidiary of MAPS. You can learn more about MAPS and donate at https://maps.org/

Show Notes:

- Rick’s journey from Construction to Psychedelics
- How Amy met Rick and started working together
- How psychedelic research was hampered for decades
- MDMA therapy for police officers and Navy Seals
- Cultural shift in the perception of psychedelics
- Has internet made it easier or difficult to spread propaganda?
- Legitimate concerns agains advancements in psychedelic research
- MDMA: A euphoric, or psychedelic?
- Man-made vs. Natural psychedelics
- Psychedelics are NOT magic cure-all pills
- MDMA treatment for childhood trauma?
- Alternative forms of treatment like sound therapy, VR, hypnotism.
- Why donate to MAPS

Books Mentioned:

- One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; by Ken Kesey
- Cosmic Serpent: DNA and the Origins of Knowledge; by Jeremy Narby
- How to Change Your Mind; by Michael Pollan
- The Immortality Key; by Brian Muraresku
- Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance; by Robert M. Pirsig
- The Body Keeps the Score; by Bessel van der Kolk
- Happy; by Derren Brown
- The Beginning of Infinity; by David Deutsch