They Received $100,000 To Research Anything They wanted, Are You Next?

What would you research with $100,000?

The O’Shaughnessy Fellowship program was launched in 2023 with a singular purpose: to support the ambitious individuals striving to build a better future for all.
The terms are simple:

One year and $100,000 to work on anything you want.

The O’Shaughnessy Grants program, also launched in 2023, provides applicants with the chance of $5,000 to do the same.

This year, our 12 Fellows and 5 Grantees have surpassed all expectations in a wide-range of domains.

Max Reisner is developing adaptable battery systems to simplify the process of incorporating renewable energy storage.

Dr William Zeng is researching how quantum technologies can benefit industry and civilization as a whole.

Rohan Taori is using his fellowship to work on two projects: a community-oriented LLM platform and a video-grounded AI model.

Dr. Sandro Luna is developing Maiv, an application that can measure biomarkers and vital signs from a mobile device.

Dr Alice Evans is writing The Great Gender Divergence, a global study of gender dynamics throughout history.

Mykhailo Marynenko is using AI and a custom-modified EEG headset to discover new ways for artists to utilize their visual cortex data.

And so, without further ado…

Let’s meet some of the O’Shaughnessy Fellows and Grantees of 2023 who are researching the future of human civilization.